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ICU-Acquired Weakness 

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  1. Open Access 01.12.2022 | OriginalPaper

    Early detection of ICU-acquired weakness in septic shock patients ventilated longer than 72 h

    Critical illness polyneuropathy (CIP) and critical illness myopathy (CIM) are part of a clinical entity called intensive care unit ( ICU) acquired weakness (ICUAW) , a frequent complication of critical illnesses [ 1 ] shown to delay ventilator …

  2. 19.02.2020 | ReviewPaper

    ICU-acquired weakness

    Critically ill patients often acquire neuropathy and/or myopathy labeled ICU-acquired weakness. The current insights into incidence, pathophysiology, diagnostic tools, risk factors, short- and long-term consequences and management of ICU-acquired

  3. Open Access 01.12.2020 | OriginalPaper

    Role of ICU-acquired weakness on extubation outcome among patients at high risk of reintubation

    The decision of extubation is a critical moment in the ICU because mortality is particularly high in case of extubation failure leading to reintubation [ 1 , 2 ]. The overall rate of reintubation after planned extubation is around 10% but may …

  4. Open Access 01.12.2018 | OriginalPaper

    ICU-acquired weakness: should medical sovereignty belong to any specialist?

    ICU-acquired weakness (ICUAW), including critical illness polyneuropathy, critical illness myopathy, and critical illness polyneuropathy and myopathy, is a frequent disabling disorder in ICU subjects. Research has predominantly been performed by …

  5. 10.04.2024 | Abstract

    Abstracts zum 130. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin e.V.

  6. 05.04.2024 | Dysphagie | Online First

    Curriculum „Trachealkanülenmanagement in der Dysphagietherapie“

    Die Anzahl tracheotomierter dysphagischer PatientInnen im klinischen und außerklinisch-ambulanten Setting und der damit einhergehende Behandlungsbedarf steigen kontinuierlich. Die Neufassung der Richtlinie des Gemeinsamen Bundesausschusses über …

  7. 03.03.2017 | EditorialNotes

    Mechanism of ICU-acquired weakness: muscle contractility in critical illness

  8. 10.03.2017 | BriefCommunication

    Mechanism of ICU-acquired weakness: skeletal muscle loss in critical illness

  9. Open Access 26.01.2024 | Dysphagie | ReviewPaper

    Curriculum „Trachealkanülenmanagement in der Dysphagietherapie“

    Die Anzahl tracheotomierter dysphagischer PatientInnen im klinischen und außerklinisch-ambulanten Setting und der damit einhergehende Behandlungsbedarf steigen kontinuierlich. Die Neufassung der Richtlinie des Gemeinsamen Bundesausschusses über …

  10. 01.10.2014 | OriginalPaper

    ICU-acquired weakness

    Häufige Komplikation einer „critical illness“

    Kress JP, Hall JB (2014) ICU-acquired weakness and recovery from critical illness. N Engl J Med 370:1626–1635 …

  11. Open Access 01.12.2015 | OriginalPaper

    Impact of ICU-acquired weakness on post-ICU physical functioning: a follow-up study

    After surviving critical illness, many patients suffer from its long-term consequences, which may consist of physical impairments, cognitive dysfunction, and mental health problems [ 1 ]. The relevance of physical impairments was described in acute …

  12. Open Access 01.12.2015 | Abstract

    Increased early systemic inflammation in patients with ICU-acquired weakness

    Inflammation may be important in the pathogenesis of ICU-acquired weakness (ICU-AW) since SIRS, sepsis and multiple organ failure are the main risk factors. Local inflammation has been found in muscle and nerve tissue of patients with ICU-AW, but …

  13. Open Access 01.04.2013 | Abstract

    Withholding parenteral nutrition for 1 week reduces ICU-acquired weakness

    ICU-acquired weakness (ICUAW) is a frequent and important complication of critical illness [ 1 ]. A large randomized controlled trial (EPaNIC: NCT00512122) [ 2 ] showed that withholding parenteral nutrition during the first week …

  14. 01.01.2009 | EditorialNotes

    Building consensus on ICU-acquired weakness

  15. Open Access 01.12.2015 | ReviewPaper

    Winning the war against ICU-acquired weakness: new innovations in nutrition and exercise physiology

    Over the last 10 years we have significantly reduced hospital mortality from sepsis and critical illness. However, the evidence reveals that over the same period we have tripled the number of patients being sent to rehabilitation settings.

  16. Open Access 01.10.2014 | Letter

    A promising new therapy may assist efforts to combat ICU-acquired weakness

    No abstract.

  17. 16.11.2015 | OriginalPaper

    Diaphragmatic dysfunction in patients with ICU-acquired weakness and its impact on extubation failure

    Intensive care unit (ICU)-acquired weakness (ICUAW) is a complication observed in critically ill patients that combines myopathy and neuropathy [ 1 – 3 ]. Its incidence varies but may rise up to 100 % in patients with multiorgan failure [ 4 , 5 ].

  18. Open Access 01.02.2014 | Abstract

    Early electrophysiological diagnosis of ICU-acquired weakness

    An early diagnosis of ICU-acquired weakness (ICU-AW) is difficult because disorders of consciousness preclude strength assessment [ 1 ]. Electrophysiological (EMG) studies may be an alternative approach [ 2 ]. In this study we investigated …

  19. Open Access 01.12.2015 | OriginalPaper

    Mitochondrial function in skeletal muscle of patients with protracted critical illness and ICU-acquired weakness

    Generalized inflammation and multi-organ failure in the acute phase of critical illness are accompanied by impairment of mitochondrial morphology [ 1 ] and function of skeletal muscle [ 2 – 5 ] and other organs [ 6 , 7 ]. The extent of …

  20. 01.08.2010 | Letter

    The role of inflammation in ICU-acquired weakness

    A pilot observational study by Weber-Carstens and colleagues contributes to a mechanistic explanation of the puzzling and complex phenomena of ICU-acquired weakness (ICU-AW). The authors suggest systemic, inflammatory-mediated pathology is the …

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Neuromuskuläre Erkrankungen – Begutachtung

Die Ärztliche Begutachtung
Myopathien und myasthene Syndrome gehören zu den seltenen Erkrankungen (betrifft höchstens eine unter 2000 Personen) und werden durch Veränderungen in der regelrechten Funktion der Muskulatur bzw. des synaptischen Übergangs von Nerv auf Muskulatur hervorgerufen. Sie können genetisch bedingt oder erworben sein. Differenzialdiagnostisch müssen sie von anderen neuromuskulären Erkrankungen wie den Motoneuronerkrankungen (u. a. Amyotrophe Lateralsklerose (ALS), Spinale Muskuläre Atrophie (SMA)) und den Neuropathien (in erster Linie Polyneuropathien) abgegrenzt werden.


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