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17.07.2023 | Bild

Hypokaliämie bei membranöser Glomerulonephritis

Hypokaliämie bei membranöser Glomerulonephritis durch Verletzung des proximalen Tubulus

Fig. 2 a Electron microscopy demonstrated the subepithelial immune complex deposition with formation of perpendicular spike similar to glomerular membrane (illustrated by Hitachi S-3000N, Japan). The visceral podocyte foot process efacement was also demonstrated. b The electron microscopy demonstrated intracytoplasmic electron lucent vacuoles (arrow) of various sizes in the proximal tubular epithelial cells. Beyond the electron-lucent vacuoles, the vacuoles with lipid droplet (arrowhead, with crescent-like content) also presented within the vacuoles. Original magnifcations×3000. Scale bar 2 μm


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